Transfer From Where To Begin

Specialist assistance

Relocating to a new apartment is a happy, long-awaited event, but at the same time, it's rather exhausting. So much needs to be planned, agreed, packed, ordered and tracked all the moves. We know how to get you out of the business of moving to a new apartment-- put this job on professionals. The relocation facility will not allow your news to be challenged by the difficulty of transporting and placing things in the new house.

Difficulties that can be encountered in moving

One of the biggest difficulties in moving to a new apartment is the autonomous organization of the whole event. You may be expected to:

  • Breaking the move plans because of work problems.
  • Incorrect packing of things that might cause damage to property.
  • Absence of cargoes in the right quantity or their excess. The inexperience of assistants who can't work together. Their lack of knowledge on proper handling and packing of things.
  • Increase in the budget for moving to a new apartment several times. Car delay due to the late loading of things. An unintended route, ordering a high-size machine due to a failure to properly distribute furniture inside the body.
  • Inability to produce or carry large furniture without the use of additional cabling equipment (light doors, no cargo elevator, original staircase design).

That's right. accommodation?

If you've decided to move into a new apartment by yourself, you'll have to make a preliminary plan. You need to:

  1. Choose the date of the relocation to match the free time of all its participants.
  2. Make a list of assistants, considering that someone suddenly might get sick or just not come.
  3. Calculate the time of order. It's better to place an extra hour on force majeure circumstances that often arise when moving to a new apartment.
  4. Better packing things in the morning, thinking about how to make big furniture.
  5. Measure the staircases and doorwalls in the new apartment to know if the furniture will pass.
  6. Make a plan to load things into the car, see how to minimise the area covered in the van, how to secure the furniture inside the body.
  7. Find an additional passenger transport that will deliver assistants to the final destination.
  8. Think about how to put furniture and things in the new apartment so they don't interfere with the movement of people.

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