Delivery Of Swords

Деликатный переезд СПб отзывы

The responsible storage saves SPB. The Peterburg Responsible Storage Market, which operates warehouse complexes, has small carriers. The small cargo, old furniture, personal effects and documents are now virtually empty.

The responsible storage is a storage facility with 100 per cent responsibility for its integrity and integrity. It is most commonly resorted to when the goods are urgently or temporarily located or as a trans-shipment base.

According to the Léguyon Service, unlike the rental of the storage warehouse, the calculation is for the actual area occupied and does not involve the presence of the client in the warehouse. Cost is estimated for m2 or paleto-place, less for m3. Generally, the unloading and loading of property by warehouse staff is a prerequisite. Their services are paid separately. Most warehouses specify a minimum size of 100 m2. Typically, the area of such warehouses is 1,000 m2.


Carriers are responsible for the storage of goods from both organizations and individuals. They have much smaller areas, 150-250 m2.

"Somebody moves to smaller rooms, someone's doing repairs, someone's changed furniture, and what's the old thing to do? Not everyone has free space, garages. And if they are, they do not always meet the requirements for the storage of furniture, documents, personal effects, Says the head of the development department of the GS "The Delivery of the SPB"

Furniture, personal effects, documents, paintings, technicians are accepted. The organizations hand over property over time. Individuals are on average for 2-3 months. Lilya Burbowski, head of the D.O. SP relocationAnd in a romantic dilemma, there's always a demand for responsible storage.

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